Special conditions for disability or occupational disability pensions

Prorate pension

If a person entitled to a disability or occupational disability pension earns more than the minimum monthly income (year 2025: EUR 551,10) in a calendar month, the claim on the determined pension for that particular calendar month will be transformed into a prorate pension. If the total income exceeds a certain limit, the total pension will be reduced for the attributable amount. Otherwise the disability or occupational disability pension is due in total.

If the total monthly income exceeds a gross sum of EUR 1.557,93 the total pension will be reduced for the attributable amount. The attributable amount is comprised of the components of the total income. In the year 2025 for the components of the total income of

over EUR 1.557,93 to 2.234,22 30%
over EUR 2.234,22 to 2.978,83  40% and
over EUR 2.978,83  50%

these components of the total income have to be counted.

The attributable amount is not to exceed 50 % of the benefit or the income.

The total income is composed of total pension (excluding the increased amount) and income (gross).

A new determination of a prorate pension takes place in the following cases:

  • in case of an adjustment of the pension;
  • whenever a new employment is resumed;
  • at a special request of the pensioner;
  • for the filing of your annual tax declaration.


Unlimited disability or occupational disability pensions

Unlimited disability or occupational disability pension will only be granted if owing to the physical or mental condition of permanent disability or incapacity to work and if the recovery through medical or occupational rehabilitation cannot be expected.

Limited disability or occupational disability pensions

Persons born until 31st December 1963 are entitled to a limited disability or occupational disability pension, if the temporary disability or incapacity to work has existed for at least six months. Basically, the pension is awarded for the duration of 24 months at the longest. If disability or incapacity to work still exists after expiration of the limitation, upon application the pension may be awarded for another 24 months at the longest, provided that an application for continuation was filed within three months after expiration.

Claim for continuation 

In case that a person is granted a limited disability or occupational disability pension and there are no signs of improvement in his/her health, it is recommended to apply for the continuation of the pension three months prior to the expiration of the benefit in order to prevent discontinuity between payments.

Rehabilitation Money / Retraining Money 

It applies to persons born after the 1st of January 1964.

Rehabilitation money

In the event of temporary or occupational disability for at least 6 months, you are not entitled to a pension, however, on providing the necessary requirements, you will receive rehabilitation money instead.

Retraining money

If, in combination with a claim for a disability or occupational disability pension, a legal right for occupational measures with regards to rehabilitation is established by decision, then, upon providing further requirements, you are entitled to receive retraining money.

Follow-up examinations 

If it is expected that a person’s health condition may improve, the institutions responsible for providing pension insurance (PVA, SVS, BVAEB) must carry out regular follow-up examinations

Suspension of pension

Pensions awarded due to long-term disability or incapacity to work will be suspended, if the health condition of the pensioner has improved to the extent that the original conditions upon which the benefit was awarded no longer apply.

Employment may also result in re-examination of disability or incapacity to work and lead to the suspension of benefit. Upon reaching the standard retirement age, suspension is not allowed any more.